Incubation Facilities












Infrastructure support like office space, laboratory, green houses, processing facility etc.
Shared office space, communication facilities, library and lab facilities

Technology/ product - development, transfer, commercialization.
Commercialization of technologies and shared pilot plants facility to develop products and test market

Technical and scientific support.
Links with expert opinion and consultancy in the specific domain

Marketing support.
End to end market solutions are provided to the clients through market research and analysis

Business plan development.
Standard business plan for start- up companies, Operational plan, strategic road maps, growth/ expansion/ new product plan, and feasibility plans are prepared by industry experts.

Business networks, mentors networks and funding networks through various promotional platforms, conferences, training programs.

Various training programs, personal mentoring with experts .

Facilitate access to funding sources .
Linkages with funding agencies for grant, loan, equity, venture capital fund.

Legal & IP advisory.
Intellectual Property Right Services in the field of IPR registration, advisory and protection .