IISR Alleppey Supreme (Turmeric)




Year of Release:2004

Pedigree:AFT selection

Areas of Adoption:Kerala (rainfed) Maharashtra, Karnataka and N. Bengal (irrigated)

Crop Duration:210 days

Yield:5.28 dry t/ha

Potential Yield:19.94 t/ha fresh

Quality Attribute:

Special characteristics:Tolerance to leaf blotch disease



Morphological Characteristics:
Colour of aerial shoot:Green
Plant height (cm):57
Leaf length/breadth (cm):72.6/17.3
No. of tillers per clump:3
No. of leaves per tiller:14.5
Yield of rhizomes/clump(g):442
No. of mother rhizomes:2
No. of primaries:125.53
No. of secondaries:11.50
Wt. of secondaries:100.56
Colour of rhizome core:Reddish orange
Dry recovery %:19

Reaction to major pests and diseases:
Leaf blotch (Taphrina maculans):Tolerance to leaf blotch disease