Year of Release:2013
Pedigree:Seedling selection from the
seedlings raised from an elite mother tree from
Burliar, Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu
Areas of Adoption:All nutmeg growing areas of Kerala
Crop Duration:6 years for first harvest:
480 kg mace/ha at 8" year 3122 kg nuts/ha
Yield:Potential yield:4800 kg mace/ha at 25" year 31220 kg nuts/ha
Quality Attribute:
Nut oil:5.9%
Mace oil:7.5%
Nut recovery:70%
Mace recovery:35%
Oleoresin in mace:9.1%
Butter in nut:24.9%
Myristicin in nut:1.6%
Myristicin in mace oil:9.4 %
Elemicin in nut oil:1.4%
Elemicin in mace oil:0.07%
α- pinene in nut oil (%):7.1%
α- pinene in mace oil:4.7%
Sabinene in nut oil (%):35.4%
Sabinene in mace oil (%):29.4%
Special characteristics:
First nutmeg variety developed by Farmers
participatory breeding Very bold nut with
thick and entire mace Wide adaptability.
The mace and nut oils are rich in sabinene
and myrcene with low myristicin and elemicin.
Morphological Characters:
Age at first flowering of graft:4 years after planting
Colour of ripe fruit:Yellow
Colour of aril:Dark red
Colour of seed:Brownish black
Shape of fruit:Elongate/oblong
Size of nut:Bold
Mace:Entire, thick and dark red
Fresh weight of fruit:75-100 g
Fresh weight of seed:13-16 g
Dry recovery of nut:70%
Fresh weight of aril:4.5 to 6.0 g
Dry recovery of aril (mace):35%
Mean yield/graft at 10th year after planting:2000 fruits
Dry nut yield/graft at 10th year after planting:21 kg
Nut yield /ha @ 360 graft:7560 kg
Mace yield/graft at 10th year after planting:4.2 kg
Mace yield /ha@360 grafts:1512 kg
Reaction to major pests and diseases:Low incidence of fruit rot caused by Diplodia spp.