IISR Vijetha (Small Cardamom)






Plant type:Malabar

Year of Release:2001

Pedigree:A selection from field resistant
plants for Katte.

Areas of Adoption:Cardamom growing areas
of Karnataka and Wynad
Maturity Group:105 days from flowering
Yield:643 kg dry capsules/ha
Potential yield:979 kg dry capsules/ha

Quality Attribute:
Essential oil:7.9%
Dry recovery:22%
Terpenyl acetate:23.4%

Specific recommendations:
Recommended for moderte to high shaded mosaic infested areas where malabar types are growed.

Morphological Characters:
Colour of aerial shoot:Green
Plant height (cm):172
Leaf length/breadth (cm):61/11
No. of tillers per clump:36
No. of panicles per clump:34
No. of flowers per panicle:99

Reaction to major pests and diseases:
Thrips (Sciothrips cardamom):Field Tolerant
Shoot/panicle/capsule borer
(Conogethes puncitferalis):Field Tolerant
Katte disease (Katte virus):Resistant

Special characteristics: Virus resistant
selectiom with 77 % bold(7.2 mm) capsules
and good apperance.