IISR-Avinash (RR1) (Small Cardamom)






Plant type:Malabar

Year of Release:1999

Pedigree:A selection open pollinated progeny of CCS-1.

Areas of Adoption:Karnataka and Wynad
Maturity Group:115 days from flowering
Yield:847 kg dry capsules/ha
Potential yield:1483 kg dry capsules/ha

Quality Attribute:
Essential oil:6.7%
Dry recovery:20.8%
Terpenyl acetate:34.6%

Specific recommendations:Recommended for rhizome rot infested areas.

Morphological Characters:
Colour of aerial shoot:Dark green
Plant height (cm):228.6
Leaf length/breadth (cm):69/13
No. of tillers per clump:46
No. of panicles per clump:43
No. of flowers per panicle:163

Reaction to major pests and diseases:
Shoot/panicle/capsule borer (Conogethes puncitferalis):Tolerant
Rhizome rot (Pythium vexans & Rhizoctonia solani):Resistant

Special characteristics:High yielder, suitable for planting in valleys. Has extended flowering period. Yields well at 2.5 x 2 m spacing.