Year of Release:2017
Pedigree:Germplasm selection
Areas of Adoption:Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka and Chhattisgarh states
Crop Duration: 180days
Yield: 38.0 t/ha
Potential Yield:52 t/ha
Quality Attribute:
Essential oil:6.3%
Morphological Characteristics:
Colour of aerial shoot:Green
Plant height (cm):104
Leaf length/breadth (cm):49/13.3
No. of tillers per clump:3.5
No. of leaves per tiller:15.87
Yield of rhizomes/clump(g):577.93
No. of mother rhizomes:3
Wt. of mother rhizomes (g):84.2
No. of primaries:10.53
Wt. of primaries:292.5
No. of secondaries:16.53
Wt. of secondaries:200
Colour of rhizomes:Orange
Dry recovery %:15.95
Special characteristics:Moderately resistant to root-knot nematode