Year of Release:2001
Pedigree:Clonal selection from elite trees
Areas of Adoption:All nutmeg growing areas of Kerala
Crop Duration:6 years for first harvest
480 kg mace/ha at 8" year 3122 kg nuts/ha
Potential yield:
4800 kg mace/ha at 25" year 31220 kg nuts/ha
Quality Attribute:
Nut oil:7.14%
Mace oil:7.13%
Nut recovery:70%
Mace recovery:35%
Oleoresin in mace:13.8%
Myristicin in nut:12.48%
Myristicin in mace oil:22.0%
Elemicin in nut oil:13.65%
Elemicin in mace oil:20.8%
Morphological Characters:
Height of tree at 9 years(m):3-5
Width of the canopy(m):3-3.5
Trunk girth at 9 years(cm):45
Leaf length/bredth(cm):18/5
Nature of flowering:2-3 flowers in every axil
Time taken for flowering:4 years
Yield per tree, 8th year:
100 fruits, 1.33 Kg mace, 9 kg dry nut
Colour of mace:Dark red
Colour of seed:Shining black
Size of seed:Bold
Reaction to major pests and diseases:Low incidence of fruit rot caused by Diplodia spp.
Special characteristics: A high yielding , high quality variety with bushy and compact plant type.