IISR Girimunda




Year of Release:2004

Pedigree:Hybrid of Narayakodi x Neelamundi

Areas of Adoption:

Suited to high altitude 

Maturity Group:Medium

Yield:6.14 Kg/vine

Quality Attribute:
Essential oil:3.4%

Morphological Characteristics:
Leaf length/breadth (cm):12.9/ 8.6
Leaf shape:Ovate-elliptic
Spike length(cm):9.65

Spike Composition:
Fruit Set%:90
No. of fruits per spike:47
1000 fruit volume (cc):115
1000 fruit weight (g):112
Yield per vine:6.14 kg per line (fresh)
Dry recovery:32%

Special characteristics:Suited to high altitude areas.