IISR-Varada (Ginger)



Year of Release:1996

Pedigree:A selection from germplasm.

Areas of Adoption:All over India.

Maturity Group:200 days

Average Yield:22.6 t/ha

Quality Attribute:
Essential oil:1.75%
Dry recovery:20.7%
Fibre content:3.29-4.5%

Reaction to major pests and diseases:
Leaf blotch (Taphrina maculans):Tolerance to leaf blotch disease



Morphological Characteristics:
Colour of aerial shoot:Green
Plant height (cm):72.32
Leaf length/breadth (cm):28.3/2.5
No. of tillers per clump:9.4
No. of leaves per tiller:20
Colour of rhizome core:blusish yellow
Shape of rhizome:plumpy with flattened fingers.
Colour of scale:Reddish brown

Special characteristics:
A good quality , high yielding variety with
plumpy rhizomes having falttened
finguers and medium sized reddish brown scales.
Dry ginger less prone to storage insect damage.
Farmers are of opinion that Varada is tolerant
to diseases low fibre content.