IISR Prabha (Turmeric)




Year of Release:1996

Pedigree:Open pollinated progency selection

Areas of Adoption:All over India.

Crop Duration:205 days

Yield:37 tonnes of fresh rhizomes/ha

Quality Attribute:
Essential oil:6.5%

Morphological Characteristics:
Colour of aerial shoot:Green
Plant height (cm):44.14
Leaf length/breadth (cm):59.6/17.33
No. of tillers per clump:2.07
No. of leaves per clump:11.5
No. of primaries:8.5
Colour of rhizome core:Reddish yellow
Dry recovery %:19.5

Special characteristics:A high yielding and good quality with reddish yellow coloured rhizome. Free from disease incidence in farmers field. A value added variety..